Monday, 16 September 2013
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Winter Veg
So last week had a phone call from my mum asking if I wanted some winter veg plants as a friend had given her a 'few'. Yes please I replied, and she duly bought a bucket into me at work.
It wasn't till I started to plant that I realised there was a few more than a 'few'!
91 leeks later and the light was fading on Saturday evening ... and I hadn't even touched the brassicas.
The alarm was set for 6.30am on the Sunday morning so I could get to the plot and get the rest in.... gave out counting the brassicas and not quite sure what anything is as the labels had rubbed off.
The beds are now full to bursting as the wood for the construction project (see previous post) is taking up two beds ..... hopefully the cabbage white leave things alone as I couldn't plant it all together to net in.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
New developments
Having sourced a wonderful supply of free wood, the first load got delivered to the plot at the weekend by some very good friends and husband.
The wood is a bit OTT but is free and we are recycling. The plan is to build a fruit cage to enclose the top two beds ..... Hopefully it will stop raining at some point this week so construction can commence.
Friday, 13 September 2013
More Homegrown Revolution ....
Been on a spending spree with plants recently. The below are all perennials so I am hoping for a long-term gain for my money!!
Skirret is meant to be like Parsnip - plants need to establish to I can propagate by division to build up the stock.
This is an acid loving plant, so it has replaced the blueberry that died earlier in the year in the ericaceous bath.
Cocktail Kiwi has gone in the main fruit bed. James Wong describes these as imagine if Haribo designed a fruit ... so we shall wait and see for next year.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Begonia rex update
A few weeks ago I posted (here) about some Begonia rex propagation .... and the leaf cuttings have taken. Tiny roots are now appearing. It never fails to amaze me how a small part of a plant can grow another.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Sunday, 1 September 2013
A friend has lots of blackberries spilling over his fence into their backgarden ... so armed with a handful of green beans and my tub I went blackberrying. Took me back to my childhood with trips around the field hedges with my mum.
So far lots frozen, awaiting the arrival of the apples later this month, and one batch seemed to find its way slipped into some gin this morning.