Lavender and Roses
For many years I dreamt of a garden filled with roses and underplanted with lavender. Finally this is starting to be realised .... There were four empty pots in the back garden from citrus trees that hadn't made it through the last two winters. The pots were sitting there looking all empty and forlorn and our local garden centre (which happens to be shared with Harkness Roses) had 25% of roses so it seemed too good an offer to miss.
So off Rosehill I go and pick my four roses - selected two of them for their scent alone. We decided to get two standards to add some height in to the garden and break up the view. Ultimately we hope to redesign the lawn and plant these all in the ground.
After that I headed to Hitchin Lavender and bought a selection of different lavenders. Managing to sneak in a swift cream tea before I was missed too much at home!
So now onto the planting ....
First up, two standard roses. The pots have been underplanted with Lavender Folgate.
Then the two floribunda roses - both chosen for the strong scent - really there is no point having a rose unless it smells. Both underplanted with different lavenders.
Lastly a line of Hidcote for the herb garden and already the most beautiful scent is starting the fill the garden when you brush pass them and all from local nurseries.
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