53b - background
A few years ago we transformed our back garden and I had a small veggie plot at the bottom of the garden. This was the start of a SERIOUS gardening bug ....
I quickly realised the limitation of the space and despite delicious crops, there was a limit of how much I could grow.
So the hunt for an allotment began ....
In February 2011 I put my name down on the list and in July 2011 I was offered a plot. The timing was perfect as I had just left my full time job and would have time to get the plot underway.
The letter for the plot came the day we were due to go on holiday, so without even looking at the plot, I signed the document, paid my fee and went away.
When we came back we went to visit, unlocked the gate with the key I had been sent and wandered back and forth around the site. It took awhile to get our bearings, and the hand drawn map seemed not to relate to the plot numbers. Then finally I stumbled on a shed with 52b on it .... 53b must the one next to it. I looked up and was greeted by a site completely overgrown with weeds.
My dreams of a beautifully tended plot that had just been given up were quickly dashed! Undaunted we went back the following weekend to strim and found the wasps ..... in total 3 nests came swarming out at us.
After a trip to get some wasp killer, we returned in September and finally got the strimming complete and rotovated,
To be continued .........